Enhance your story to its fullest potential.

And I’m here to help make it possible, with editing services that carry you from first draft to final copy! Between my editing experience and industry knowledge, we’ll make sure your book is shined and polished so that you’re publishing confidently.

Maybe this sounds familiar?

Revision feels harder than writing the story.

Self-editing can feel like that, especially when you’re too close to the work to really make necessary changes. That’s where a second eye comes in to provide guidance and suggestions to make your project even better.

Editing is also just confusing. You’re not sure what you should be looking for.

What do the editing types even mean? And what is the difference between an em dash and en dash? You need a professional on your side, who has studied and practiced editing for years to find even the smallest details.

You feel so alone in this process.

Writing can be solitary, but it doesn’t have to be! Here, being an editor means being a supportive partner, friend, and fangirl far beyond just the service to help you in whatever this industry throws your way.

Let’s take this next step in your publishing journey together.

We’d work well together if…

  1. You like high-quality edits from an industry professional at affordable prices

  2. You’re looking for long-term support of a trusted friend and partner

  3. You’re ready to see meaningful edits on your manuscript, and ready to implement them

  4. Your genre aligns with one of my specialties, which you can check out here

And we might not jive if…

  1. You’re not interested in making your book the best it can be before publishing

  2. Speed is more important than quality

  3. You’re looking for book coaching, or you’re trying to get editing on a nonfiction book

The Editing Timeline

Where are you at in the process? Find what you need below!

Developmental Editing

  • An in-depth, foundational edit of the big-picture aspects of your book. In this, we’ll review your character arcs, story structure, plot beats, scene/chapter pacing, dialogue, and much more, and at the end, we’ll discuss ways to strengthen and improve these layers of storytelling.


    -In-line comments throughout the entire book

    -A 15+-page editorial letter discussing these aspects and the best ways to improve upon them

    -A video call to review the information

    -Constant email support

  • Have completed a few rounds of self-editing and have gotten feedback from beta readers/critique partners and are ready to jump into professional editing at a foundational level.

  • $0.025/word (or $25 per 1000 words)

    EFA average: $0.03-$0.04/word (or $30-40 per 1000 words)

“I did not expect the amount of detailed feedback Makenna would provide! She gave invaluable and superior advice more than worth the price! She pointed out things that no one has ever mentioned before, went into a lot of detail, and overall, was an enormous help. The final product would definitely never be near as good without her help!”

— Kat Sinclair, author of Peacekeepers and Encounter

Manuscript Assessment

  • The manuscript assessment is an exclusive to On the Same Page. For those on a tight budget, this is a money-friendly adjustment to the developmental edit.


    -In-line comments and suggestions throughout the entire manuscript

    -A reader review covering characters, plot, pacing, and more

    -Constant email support

  • Have gone through a few rounds of self-editing and beta readers and are ready to get a professional critique on a tight budget, or need a quick review to ensure your story is working.

    Not recommended for debut authors.

  • $0.005/word (or $5 per 1000 words)

    EFA Average: $0.015/word (or $15 per 1000 words)


• Best of #BookTok

• Amazon Bestselling Author

• Top 10 Fantasy Bestseller

• USA Today Bestselling Author

• Top 100 Fantasy Bestseller

• International Bestselling Author

• Top 100 Science Fiction Bestseller

• Top 10 Romance Bestseller

• ACFW Carol Award Finalist

• #1 Amazon Bestselling Author

• Top 100 in Books

Science Fiction Gold Medalist in Independent Publisher's Book Awards

• Top 100 Small Town Romance

Realm Makers Readers Choice Awards Semifinalist

• Best of #BookTok • Amazon Bestselling Author • Top 10 Fantasy Bestseller • USA Today Bestselling Author • Top 100 Fantasy Bestseller • International Bestselling Author • Top 100 Science Fiction Bestseller • Top 10 Romance Bestseller • ACFW Carol Award Finalist • #1 Amazon Bestselling Author • Top 100 in Books Science Fiction Gold Medalist in Independent Publisher's Book Awards • Top 100 Small Town Romance Realm Makers Readers Choice Awards Semifinalist

Copy/Line Editing

  • Another On the Same Page special, which joins the sentence-level copy editing and line editing into an easy, affordable combination.

    While the copy editing portion combs through your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure with a fine eye, the line edits clean up the voice, style, pacing, and word choice of each sentence for improved readability.


    -Extensive, thorough copy and line edits made with Track Changes throughout the entire manuscript

    -A reader review detailing the changes and explanations of how to fix repeated grammar mistakes

    -A video call to cover the edits and review

    -Constant email support

  • Have finalized all developmental and foundational edits of the story and are ready to zoom in to the sentence-level improvements.

  • $0.02/word (or $20 per 1000 words)

    EFA Average (priced separately, not together): $0.02-0.03 + $0.025-0.04 (or $20-30 + $25-40 per 1000 words)

“Just from the first three chapters I was amazed by her insight. Her advice really did change my line of thinking. I would recommend having Makenna work with you on any of your work. Well worth the money and my time. All in all an extremely satisfying experience.”

— Corey Briggs, action author


  • A final, thorough check for any last-minute inconsistencies in grammar, spelling, spacing, and formatting on your book’s “proof” copy. No detail is too small, and this edit will ensure you’re putting forth the most polished version of your book to impress readers.


    -In-line comments and edits throughout the entire manuscript with Track Changes

    -A reader review detailing any changes and why

    -Constant email support

  • Are almost ready to publish. Since this is a final check over your manuscript’s “proof” copy before it goes to print, all other edits and formatting should be completed before this.

  • $0.012/word (or $12 per 1000 words)

    EFA Average: $0.012-0.02 (or $12-20 per 1000 words)

Get one step closer to fulfilling your dreams!

Going the traditional publishing route? Try the query critique to polish your query package as much as your book.

Going the self-publishing route? Try the blurb writing service to hook your readers and potentially increase sales.